
 We are what we eat! Start with a good breakfast. Such as two wheat biscuits with a tablespoon of mixed nuts.  Hazel nuts, Walnuts, & Peanuts will add protein to your diet. Also add a half spoonful of raisins for natural sweetness without crystallised diabetic causing sugar.

Throughout your day avoid adding sugar to your food or tea, coffee etc. Two or three hours prior to bed avoid coffee and tea. Drink warm milk or cocoa to relax and prepare for a good night’s sleep.

Many people consider a “Good” breakfast to consist of fried eggs, bacon and a couple of slices of fried white bread. This is the case in nations such as USA, Ireland and Britain. Throw in a couple of pork sausages, black and white pork pudding and you have a heart attack on a plate . This is due to arteries being blocked by fat just as your drain becomes clogged if you pour the contents of the frying pan into the kitchen sink..

People of other nations prefer to tuck in to an early morning meal of fresh fruit and vegetables. Cheese and crackers is a favourite dish on many breakfast tables. Again cheese must be eaten in moderation to prevent problems. Lunch or the midday meal should ideally be a medium sized meal. It should carry you through the second half of the work day or active portion of the day. It may consist of wheat bread sandwiches, of meat or salad, pies again meat mixed with vegetables.

Dinner should be the main meal of the day. Usually eaten during the early evening at the end of the working day. Preparation can be a satisfying CHORE in itself. You may feel the enjoyment and sense of achievement in setting and cooking a meal for yourself and others. Many recipe books and websites have sections specially dedicated to the topic of healthy eating.. Care should be taken with ingredients and portions to avoid excessive weight loss or gain.


       Many people imagine that sleeping is a waste of time. They attempt to live fuller lives by being more productive. They take time out from sleeping in order to “GET MORE DONE”

Sleeping is one of the greatest ACTIVITIES for a healty lifestyle. Insomnia is now considered by medical experts to be at epidemic levels. Children now get 2 hours less sleep nightly than they did about 50 years ago. This results in problems with concentration and memory during school classes.

Adults who you expect to be more sensible and aware of their situation are even more at risk due to lack of sleep. Many of us are guilty of Burning The Candle At Both Ends as we gloriously live life to the full. We maximise our waking hours to keep ahead or party into the small hours to ensure we get more fun into each day. This behaviour is damaging our health to a far greater extent than most of us realise.

The use of coffee is recommended for people who feel tired when there is so much more to be done. Wrong!  Coffee is one of the worst things a sleepy person can consume.  It only forces you to further lose the ability to relax when you finally get a chance to sleep. Caffeine in tea and coffee, or even worse taurine in high energy drinks merely interferes with the process of falling asleep. They will remain in the system for many hours preventing quality sleep.

Nicotine is a stimulant. People who smoke take longer to fall asleep.,wake uo more frequently and often have more disruptive sleep. This is a contreadicion of what many people believe. Carefully worded and well publicised messages from tobacco manufacturers (which have damaged peoples health for many years) are designed to convince us that smoking helps us relax . Nothing could be further from the truth. The last cigarette you have before bed causes you ill health so your system fights to recover, keeping you awake.

Lack of sleep is a major contributor to Illnesses such as Alzheimers Disease.   Sleep can be considered as a time for clearing and decluttering the mind from the misfortunes of the day. There are websites which advocate the use of hypnosis or sleep music to assist in sleeping. Frequencies of around .5 to 4 Hz are known as Delta Brain Waves. Listening to these frequencies slows down brain activity thereby tuning you to the easy lull which can induce sleep.

I am not advocating listening to music or other sounds while in bed.  No!  We need to get through our programs BEFORE bed. Leave the phone, TV, Radio or any NOISE PRODUCING item out of the bedroom. The bedroom is only for two things.  One of which is sleeping ???

During the night if you lay awake with nonsense buzzing through your brain get up and do something productive.   Reading, repairing small items, writing solutions to problems, writing stories, articles or poetry.  Click "Read More" below to read Insomnia a result from one such night.

Click Here - Go Down and Choose "Sleep Problems"

Memory Aids

                       Here are a few methods of memorising a piece of written material.There are many people who admire and even envy the friend who can remember a 15 or 30 minute speech.  We sit in awe at the fantastic power of the persons memory and think or perhaps say aloud. "I wish I could do that as easily as her!"
                        Well, here's the surprise.   YOU CAN!  For a 15 minute presentation  your friend probably spent 40 minutes writing and rewriting the piece.   Only when he was happy with the outcome did he begin to "MEMORISE" it.  Not as an entire piece but chunk by chunk using  at least one of the methods below.



You may consider hypnosis a strange topic for inclusion in the field of education.  The H word has been grossly misunderstood since its inception.   When we listen to certain sounds or stare at certain objects we find ourselves "going into trance".  This state of trance allows you to relax so your mind is better able to receive and recall new information,

Reading in Bed

Get Comfortable

Advice for optimum result

Make Audio of Piece

Use Mobile Phone

Add a description here

Speak Piece Aloud

Read From Notes

Add a description here


How many times have you heard the saying "You are what you eat" ? This is probably more true for the student than any other profession.  A good healthy diet is needed for brain power just as athletes need proper nutrition for bodily strength.

Certain vitamins and mineral trace elements assist the brain to function effectively.  Among the minerals which help us think clearly are zinc, selenium and magnesium.  Vitamins which are of benefit in this regard include the B-Complex Vitamins, Vitamin C and Vitamin E.   

Excess caffeine should be avoided prior to examinations and other optimal thinking situations. White flour and turkey contain elements which slow the thinking process.  

Refrain from heavy foods such as chocolate or sugar.    Sugar releases energy to the brain in rapid bursts.  This can result in mood swings and pendulum like levels of concentration.  Stay with foods which release energy slowly and evenly.  These include vegetables, fresh fruit, fish and meat.   Remember the famous butler Jeeves of P.G. Woodhouse    In a dilemma he would suggest eating a can of sardines so the good fish oil would lubricate the brain.   This always seemed to work!

A simple piece of advice but often overlooked is "Drink plenty of water!"  Dehydration can lead to lapses of concentration and feelings of dizziness. It is advisable for the average adult to drink about two litres of water daily.  This helps flush out toxins from the bloodstream thus clearing the brain of substances which cause the symptoms mentioned.  Alcohol must be avoided during exam times.   It causes dehydration as well as many obvious drawbacks.  Wait until your exams are complete.   Then enjoy a couple of well earned drinks if you are so inclined.  This can be considered as a reward for abstinence during your exams

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